Bikeability for schools

Cycle Confident run Bikeability sessions in 1000s of schools across the country, training over 60,000 children a year alongside our sister company Bike Right. Bikeability is free to schools and trainees and is split in to several levels or modules depending on what funding is available and what local authorities want to prioritise.

Bikeability is the nationally recognised cycle training programme.

It’s about acquiring the practical skills to cycle safely and with confidence on today’s roads.

For children to participate in school Bikeability training, they must have basic riding skills (without stabilisers), though some local authorities fund Learn-to-Ride courses. Free individual training may also be available in your area for you and your child and is a great way to get your child riding prior to the course commencing, so they can then participate.

There are three Bikeability levels:

Bikeability level 1
Bikeability LEVEL 1
This course is aimed at years 3 upwards and usually takes place over one to two days depending on preference.

On this course children will learn how to prepare themselves for a journey, pedal, slow down and stop, turn and control speed.

Bikeability LEVEL 2
This course is aimed at years 5, 6 and above and usually takes place over two to five days.

On this course children will learn how to cycle safely and responsibly, respond to hazards, maintain suitable riding positions and comply with signals, signs and road markings.

Bikeability LEVEL 3
This course is aimed at secondary school children.

On this course children will learn how to plan a journey, maintain suitable riding positions, pass queuing traffic and use junctions controlled by traffic lights.

Bikeability Fix
Bikeability Plus modules
Bikeability Plus courses aim to complement and support our core child training. We want to improve skills and confidence with a range of different options aimed at children of all ages and stages.

Modules offered are subject to funding, location, demand and practicality.

How to Book
For parents/guardians booking their children onto a course that is taking place at a school, please visit the unique link or paper parent letter and consent form provided by the school
What schools say
" The trainers for Level 1 and Level 2 were excellent and they communicated very well with the school staff. The children have gained confidence and clearly enjoyed both courses. Thank you."
St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School
Information for parents and guardians
FAQs about Bikeability and what your child needs to participate in this valuable free training
Bicycle roadworthiness
Use our handy M-Check form to check on the safety and legality of your bike
Schools resources
Policies, consent forms and letters for your course

Own the Ride - Innovation

We have developed some unique adaptations for level 3 sessions which have proved very successful in engaging with the hard-to-reach age demographic in secondary schools.

Own the Ride courses are a flexible and creative approach to level 3 training with older children. Trainees contribute to the course content, participating in discussion groups about vulnerable road users, undertaking route planning activities and group rides to destinations of interest.

A typical Own the Ride programme consists of:


  • Introduction, Icebreaker and Boundaries

  • Discussion and information about local cycling campaigns and infrastructure

  • Cycle Checks

  • Level 2 Skills Consolidation

  • Route Planning

  • Level 3 Skills and Led Ride

  • Course Conclusion and Action Plan


Own the Ride courses can be run over one to three days depending on the depth and breadth of the content and the ability of the group. The final session is usually done at a later date to allow us to assess and evaluate the impact of the training and, importantly, any changes in travel to school behaviour.